At Kaju AZ, our students learn techniques to help keep them safe. Our kids work hard every day, they sweat a lot and have fun!
From the very first day of class, our students learn about the 6 Black Belt Principles - Courage, Honesty, Respect, Integrity, Self Control and Loyalty. What makes us the most proud as instructors is when we hear about the success our students have outside of the dojo, especially when it relates to their character.

"We would like to congratulate Mason for being nominated for the 2014 Gilbert's Community of Character - CHARACTER COUNTS! Awards. This nomination is quite an honor. This award was created to recognize and celebrate young people in our community whose lives and achievements
demonstrate an enduring commitment to the core ethical values known as the "Six Pillars of Character"-trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Mason has exemplified these character traits and has acted in a way that has been noted by others and deemed worthy of nomination for this award. - Gilbert Community Action Network
Mason will be honored at a breakfast in April where Vice Mayor Eddie Cook and other dignitaries will be on hand to recognize all nominees.
Mason is a caring young man with a true love for life and those around him. He has a great group of people that model exemplary character for him everyday; his family, friends and teachers. These positive influences are what help any young person become great leaders and role models in their community.
Congratulations Mason! We are so proud of you! Keep up the great work!