Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Kaju AZ is Unique

When you own and operate a karate school you get the “gift of seeing” other karate
schools when you are driving. I can spot a yin-yang symbol from a mile away (but am
always asking my kids to read signs!). Sigung and I have a pretty good idea where the
schools are and while we don’t really bother to watch our “competition” (who can really
compete with Kaju AZ!) we do keep notice of them. In Arizona, we seem to have a martial
arts studio on every corner.

It wasn’t a surprise to me to see two other karate schools close. Seeing the “out of
business” sign is typical of many businesses these days. Going back to my college
economics I know all about supply and demand and marketplace pressures.

One might think that seeing another dojo go out of business would make my happy. No
way! I don’t wish any bad will or karma on anyone. Instead I focus on making sure this
does not ever happen to Kaju AZ.

Kaju AZ is unique on so many levels, all of which I am grateful for. We had humble
beginnings almost 7 years ago…and we have grown at a good pace. We started Kaju AZ
in the beginning of the recession and despite all the odds against small, family businesses
we are thriving!

But let’s face it – the opportunity to train at our dojo can be considered a luxury when a
budget is being reworked and downsizing is a necessity. That being said, I also believe
our students would do anything they could to ensure that our dojo remains open and
thriving. When I review how we have survived while others have not, there are some
factors that I believe are critical to our continuing success.

First, be an advocate of Kaju AZ. Know what Kaju AZ stands for and believes in. Be
aware of what programs, classes and opportunities are available. Support those activities
and promote them to anyone you think would be interested. You are the best form of
advertising that our dojo has and the biggest compliment we can ever receive is when you
recommend us within your own community. Acquiring the right kind of new students
helps us maintain our Kaju AZ energy and “special sauce” we thrive on!

Second, volunteer. Ask how you can help. Every time I look at the wood flooring at
either dojo I remember when our volunteer force helped put it in! Whether you are a
teacher, financial planner, plumber, carpenter, electrician, computer guru or just handy,
your expertise is welcome. If there is a skill you have that meets a need please don’t
hesitate to step up. We appreciate all the time and efforts expended, as we know time is a
precious commodity.

Finally, continue to make punctual payments. Our tuition is some of the lowest in the
industry. We fear that may send a message that what Kaju AZ offers is not as “valuable”
as what others do. Sigung and I purposely keep the tuition low to help our Kaju AZ
families manage their budgets. But we know that Kaju AZ offers so much more than the
typical dojo! Our instructors are awesome and our facilities clean and organized. Our
policy is always to be flexible when situations arise requiring that. However, please
realize that our tuition is based on an annual price with monthly payments. Skipping a
week or month of classes for travel or scheduling issues does not dismiss the financial
responsibilities of the dojo.

Our goal is simple: we want Kaju AZ to be the best dojo possible and be a lasting,
positive and honorable part of the Kajukenbo and local communities. Thank you for
being our advocate and ambassadors, volunteering as needed and continuing to uphold
your responsibilities. Kaju AZ is growing in the best possible ways…with the best
possible students!

Mahalo nui loa for all your support!

Sifu Jen

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Kajukenbo Motto: Train Strong to Remain Strong

Kajukenbo Arizona is a traditional martial arts school specializing in real self-defense through the art of Kajukenbo. Kajukenbo was founded in 1947 and is credited as being the first American martial art. Kajukenbo is a blend of five styles: Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kenpo and Kung Fu. Feel free to visit our school and see our programs for all ages! We also offer CrossPIT classes based on the world-famous Pit Conditioning System. Classes are 30-minutes of high-intensity old-school cardio. CrossPIT memberships available!