Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Belt Testing at Kaju AZ

At Kaju AZ, we have test events quarterly, but in reality, they are tested every day. Yes, there is a day each quarter where we take time out to recognize certain students advancements in the art, watch some fine demonstrations of martial arts ability and then celebrate with friends and family.
Some advancements require multiple pre-tests which allow the student to demonstrate all of their abilities in a variety of situations and under varying degrees of pressure. Every student is different, so every test or pre-test may look slightly different. The important thing to know about testing is that every test is designed to allow each tester to showcase their amazing heart and will to overcome physical, mental and emotional challenges.

What are the qualifications for testing at Kaju AZ? Many of the aspects that I mention are the same requirements that my mentors have as criteria for testing at their schools. I give full credit to Grandmaster Lim and the Pit Master John Hackleman for some of these concepts and echo their desires that everyone must work hard to attain their progression of the ranks in the martial arts.

The first criteria is attendance. We need to see you at the dojo. I need to see you at the dojo. I need to see that you are practicing and that you are showing up to support the team. I need to see that you can work the techniques on others and that you can have the techniques worked on you. I need to see that you work well with you teammates and that you are diligent in coming regularly.

The next criteria is attitude. A proper attitude is shown by how hard you work. Are your squats deep enough when no one is looking? Do you attempt to give your 100 percent during tabatas? Do you follow directions without whining or complaining? A proper black belt attitude is a requirement for every belt level. Are you a team member that is concerned for those around you, are you a helper or a taker?

The next criteria is fitness. All the knowledge of martial arts technique in the world is useless if you are too weak to throw a punch or too tired to stand up to defend yourself. Sometimes your physical stamina will allow you to withstand the physical onslaught of a more skilled opponent, then as he weakens, you can overcome and win the fight. Your fitness has as much to do with your attitude and how you apply your Desire, Dedication and Discipline. Never forget the Kajukenbo motto:  Train Strong to Remain Strong!

The last criteria is technique. Technique is important obviously, but not at the top of the list. Being able to work the techniques in such a way that works for you is important in you progression, but perfect technique is not a requirement for promotion. Over time, as the other criteria are applied, your technique will improve and will be seemingly effortless and flawless.

Is every black belt the same? No. Everyone progresses differently and quite frankly, some are simply able to do things better than others. Everyone has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. The real question is: are we reducing our weaknesses continuously? If the answer is yes - you are progressing.
 Each step is important, and sometimes a certain step is harder for some than it is for others. In the end, every one has to earn their achievement with great personal effort and not a little sacrifice.

No person can or should be carried to black belt. It must be done under his or her own power. You will receive help from those around you as you go, but you MUST stand up and then take the steps. You have to WANT it more than others want it for you. You have to decide that this goal is worth sacrificing other activity for the time it takes to train and support the school.

I am proud of the tradition of hard work and effort or school maintains. Every belt promotion is an example of dedication and willingness to step up and outside the comfort zone. Every test has its own unique feel and is seemingly perfect for the testers that time. We don’t always know what will be expected of the testers, but each time the test happens, we are amazed at the quality of character, physical stamina, and dedication to doing a great job that each tester shows.

Congratulations testers! It's an honor to be your instructor and I look forward to seeing your progression!  

-Sigung Kelly Corder

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Kajukenbo Motto: Train Strong to Remain Strong

Kajukenbo Arizona is a traditional martial arts school specializing in real self-defense through the art of Kajukenbo. Kajukenbo was founded in 1947 and is credited as being the first American martial art. Kajukenbo is a blend of five styles: Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kenpo and Kung Fu. Feel free to visit our school and see our programs for all ages! We also offer CrossPIT classes based on the world-famous Pit Conditioning System. Classes are 30-minutes of high-intensity old-school cardio. CrossPIT memberships available!