Monday, July 2, 2012

Giving the Gift of Martial Arts Unselfishly

We just returned from the Lim Kenpo Malama Event in Carlsbad, CA.  WOW.  What an event.  To sum it up in few words is nearly impossible, although “exhilarated, enriched and exhausted at the same time” comes to mind.
There were over 225 martial artists and family members in attendance at the Academy by the Sea.  It is truly a unique setting for a unique event.  It was a honor to meet and learn from some of the best martial artists from around the world – Portugal, Belgium, Holland, Maui, London, Wyoming, South Dakota and more.  A lot was packed into over 4 days.  We got up early and stayed up late.  We worked our bodies and our minds.  It was an honor to be there and we gained a weekend full of memories to last a lifetime.
The title “Malama” was fitting as it means “to take care of, nurture, or serve.” Our instructors really took care of us! What really stood out to me was how unselfish each instructor was. They showed up to each class with a smile and infectious attitude that clearly showed their passion for martial arts.  They freely gave of their time, talents and energies to the building up of each individual student. Keep in mind some instructors taught cumulatively for hours during the weekend which is exhausting mentally and physically. Some traveled thousands of miles at great financial expense. And yet, each class had new and exciting material, showcased individual arts and talents and not one session was boring.
With an event this large, obviously hiccups occurred and changes had to be made on the spot. Kids got tired and were tempted by the beach.  People weren’t feeling 100% or were exhausted from travel.  People were hungry or sunburnt or other common travel issues.
And yet…no complaints.  No frowns. No giving up and backing out of teaching.
The instructors did not get much time to train or experience the seminars as students but they did not seem to mind. It was obvious that they loved sharing what they knew and were not concerned with getting anything in return.  During the free time, a lot of them were available for questions and would extend the class time to cover even more topics.  They gave up resting or leisure time without complaint and showed up to teach the next session with vim and vigor!
Who hasn’t been in a situation where the instructor (in martial arts, school, church or other events) had a “personal agenda” or showed up grumpy and obviously not in the mood to teach? That really sucks the joy out of the experience for me.  And ultimately, it has to suck the joy out of it for the teacher too.
I attended a martial arts program years ago in which the instructor was going through a “grappling phase.” Every class was focused on what he wanted to learn himself…we were just merely grappling partners to serve his purpose of getting more roll time.  It made it difficult to really even want to attend class.   
I have been fortunate to train with the best of the best instructors and we have a lot of them at Kaju AZ.  What a treat it is to experience these classes.  Sigung always says “You don’t know a technique until you have taught it.” SO TRUE and when you talk to him more about what that means he will tell you: “You can’t really appreciate what you have until you give it away.”
Martial arts is a gift and I am so grateful for all the instructors willing to give me all the gifts I have in my martial arts basket.  Paying tuition or seminar fees isn’t enough to really cover how much Kaju has made me a better person.  How can you put a price on that?  How can I put a price on how it has enhanced my family?  How can I put a price on the dear and valuable relationships in my life that came through Kaju?
Good karma isn’t just received -  I believe it is created.  The more I give the more I seem to receive!  It feels good to give and I appreciate the opportunity to work with each of you.  
Be sure and check out all the pictures from the Malama weekend at!  
Sifu Jennifer Corder

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Kajukenbo Motto: Train Strong to Remain Strong

Kajukenbo Arizona is a traditional martial arts school specializing in real self-defense through the art of Kajukenbo. Kajukenbo was founded in 1947 and is credited as being the first American martial art. Kajukenbo is a blend of five styles: Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kenpo and Kung Fu. Feel free to visit our school and see our programs for all ages! We also offer CrossPIT classes based on the world-famous Pit Conditioning System. Classes are 30-minutes of high-intensity old-school cardio. CrossPIT memberships available!