Monday, August 5, 2013

Moving Water Has Power

I am a lucky man. The past few months have been action-packed and while I could easily complain about the general busyness I am grateful for all my opportunities.  AND the summer isn't even over yet!

My whirlwind started in March, when several students and I traveled to the Pit in Vegas and competed in the PIT games.  April was Aunty Lim's 30th Anniversary celebration and many of our students took advantage of that outstanding event to learn and mingle with martial artists from all over the world.  I went to Connecticut to receive training and a promotion from Master Luigi Mondelli in BJJ (and made preparations for our new BJJ Program).  I accompanied Grandmaster and Aunty to the KISD seminar event and promotion organized by Sigungs Phil and Remy Dang. Within the past two weeks, I traveled to Chicago for the Kenpo International Gathering of Eagles PLUS attended the Martial Arts Supershow in Vegas. In Chicago I assisted Grandmaster Lim and in Vegas I participated in many seminars and assisted PIT Master.  Last weekend I was back in Vegas for the annual KSDI Seminars and Competition honoring Sijo and the pioneers of Kajukenbo. Whew!

Earlier in the year it was the ACS tournament, the Continuous Sparring seminar at Hoyt's Kajukenbo, The Pit Training in San Luis Obispo, the Tough Mudder Competition, and I'm sure I am missing a few.

People often ask "Why?" "Why do you stay so busy?"

Grandmaster George Lim said this just recently, "Moving water has power..." SO TRUE! It can make a path, can push obstacles out of its way. Standing water turns stagnant and becomes nasty.

I want to be moving water. I want to be active in my support for others and active in my continued education. No matter how many hours I teach on the floor, I will not master the martial arts without listening, learning, and training with other masters. I do so not necessarily for new techniques (we have plenty of those!) but for concepts, and thoughts, and pearls of wisdom that can influence our martial art and help us to be a stronger and more successful school.

We have awesome power as we stay busy and keep moving. We have the ability to improve our lives and leave problems behind. As we get on with our lives and not waste time dwelling on the problems, our shortcomings, or even our mistakes, WE BECOME HAPPIER!

I'm blessed to have a day job  to support my family and have the opportunity to travel and learn. I know that the harder I work, the luckier I seem to come. Funny how the harder I work, the more opportunities present themselves. And further, the harder I work, the happier I become.

I am not saying work 80 hours a week like your Sigung.  I am saying: Make the most of your time, and do what you love! A wise person once said,  "If you love your work you will never work a day in your life." This is so true! I love my work!

During our break, I have the honor of traveling to Hawaii and training with one of my most favorite instructors, Solomon Olohe Kaihewalu.  I look forward to attending his seminars. He's a hard worker and a great teacher. He always gives 100% of his time and effort to whatever event he is participating in. I will have the opportunity to teach while in Hawaii and  I look forward to this as well since it gives me a chance to share what I have learned from my teachers. I hope I am able to represent them properly and respectfully.

Coming up will be several more opportunities for us to participate and grow: Olohe will visit Arizona, a grappling competition, Self-Defense Saturday, our own belt testing event, the annual Lim Kenpo tournament, and more! Please take the opportunity to attend one or more of these events. Prepare for them - and work hard when you attend. I promise you will be a better person, more fulfilled and HAPPY!

Train Strong to Remain Strong,

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Kajukenbo Motto: Train Strong to Remain Strong

Kajukenbo Arizona is a traditional martial arts school specializing in real self-defense through the art of Kajukenbo. Kajukenbo was founded in 1947 and is credited as being the first American martial art. Kajukenbo is a blend of five styles: Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kenpo and Kung Fu. Feel free to visit our school and see our programs for all ages! We also offer CrossPIT classes based on the world-famous Pit Conditioning System. Classes are 30-minutes of high-intensity old-school cardio. CrossPIT memberships available!