Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Train Hard, Be Humble, and Stay Busy - Sigung Kelly Corder

(From our December/January Mat Chat)

The last two months of each year are always busy for the Corder's and for Kaju AZ – and 2012 is no exception.  I had the opportunity to travel with GM Lim to the Northwest Kajukenbo seminars hosted by Sigung Trent Junker, visited the Pit in San Luis Obispo, hosted our annual CrossPit training day and deep fried a 21 lb. turkey to crispy perfection (although it looked a little more on the crispy side but turned out okay!). December will see some great testing at Kaju AZ, a trip to Portugal, Winter break, and then our traditional new year rappelling event on Jan 1st.

As I reflect over this years events, I began planning for next year and I had this thought: as busy as we are, we can never be too busy.  Yes, we need to take time to rest and recharge. But in general, we should be busy doing our best to improve ourselves and to make the lives of those around us better.

Five years ago I trained at the PIT for the first time. Our training at Kaju AZ has always been traditional, old school, hard hitting and practical. The influence of the PIT has not changed our core values but it certainly has enhanced our school in the fitness and philosophical perspectives. Getting to know John Hackleman has been a blessing in my life and it has affected how I am as a martial artist. I thank Kumu John for the promotion to PIT black belt and dedicate myself to continuing to maintain the Kajukenbo attitude of hard work. Kumu John works tirelessly to perfect his teaching in his art. He spends countless hours in seminars and training and in personal phone calls with luminaries like Tony Robbins, Dave Kovar and many other people. Kumu John never rests from seeking personal improvement and I think that is one of the traits why I admire him.

In two weeks I travel with Grandmaster Lim to Portugal and will have the opportunity to teach. More importantly, I will have the opportunity to train with some very dedicated, hard hitting, and humble martial artists. I will have the honor of watching Grandmaster teach, which is a real pleasure for me. He always teaches with passion and excitement and his love of martial arts is ever-present in everything he does.  With his infectious attitude, it's hard not to come away from his seminars with an increased desire to do better and be better. Grandmaster and Aunty are always on the go. They are always seeking to make an improvement, somewhere, somehow in the Ohana.

Also, while in Portugal, I will be able to spend time with Professor Nuno Nunes - what a treat!. This man is a fine martial artist,  a great teacher, carries the Lim legacy in Portugal, and is a healer. Whenever I have a chance to converse with him, I come away amazed at his humility and dedication to his students. All his students are hard working and very humble. They express their gratitude constantly to Professor and Grand Master for the gift of this special art that has changed their lives. It's beautiful and inspiring to see Ohana expressed so profoundly and truly in a place so very far from where the word Ohana comes from. And again, Professor is always, always busy with good things.

2013 will undoubtedly prove to be busy and packed with many wonderful things.  At this time of year we often make goals and resolutions for the following year. Mine continue to be simple and constant every year: train hard, be humble and stay busy with good things.  I hope to become more like my mentors and incorporate their awesome qualities into my own life.  I am a blessed and busy man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a true inspiration Sigung!!! A great motivator.. Thanks for this write up... It is motivating for me going forward into 2013..
Mr. Dano Prochazka

Kajukenbo Motto: Train Strong to Remain Strong

Kajukenbo Arizona is a traditional martial arts school specializing in real self-defense through the art of Kajukenbo. Kajukenbo was founded in 1947 and is credited as being the first American martial art. Kajukenbo is a blend of five styles: Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kenpo and Kung Fu. Feel free to visit our school and see our programs for all ages! We also offer CrossPIT classes based on the world-famous Pit Conditioning System. Classes are 30-minutes of high-intensity old-school cardio. CrossPIT memberships available!