Monday, October 8, 2012

Leaders are Successful

Ask a recent high school graduate what they want to do and invariably, one of the elements is 'I want to be successful at…'  Ask a parent what they want for their children, the answer will probably be something having to do with their child's success in life. Some questions come to mind: How do we measure success? Success of what kind? What makes a person successful or what drives success?

My definition of success is simply  'not quitting and continuous progress toward a goal.' To be successful, you have to have a goal and then you have to start moving towards it. My experience has been that most successful people have leadership attributes that aid in their success. Some important leadership qualities that aid a person in achieving their goals are:  communication, a no-quit attitude, and the ability to envision a better future for oneself.

In a typical, energetic class at Kaju AZ these elements are in prime view… You will notice an instructor encouraging students to push themselves and to work hard. You will notice students encouraging each other, lifting each other off the ground. Students will be patting each other on the back or giving high-fives for good work shown. Students that have never pushed themselves in such a way in any other activity or going beyond their assumed boundaries or even the boundaries of their parents or loved ones! Students learn that the limits are farther away than they ever thought and that more things are capable of being achieved and are within closer reach.

The various reasons why we STARTED in martial arts are not always the main benefits we receive as we CONTINUE in the martial arts. Most common reasons for starting to train are weight loss, self defense, strengthening and conditioning. Parents enroll their children for the purposes of physical activity, gaining confidence and increase in focus and attention. These are all great reasons for training and continuing to train. During the process of continuing to train and bettering oneself, something amazing happens. The increased skills build confidence in the martial artist. The confidence enables the martial artist to demonstrate and help others. Sharing the knowledge with others allows the martial artist to gain in the skills… and the cycle continues.

The skills that are refined and honed during this process are not just the physical martial arts skills. Some skills (or attitudes) that are automatically practiced during the training process are: communication skills, a take charge attitude, empathy when working with another student, the no-quit attitude, and a desire to attain one's goals. These skills are all important aspects of a leader. And a great leader combines these attributes with a goal or vision to lead others to a common goal. Or, more importantly, and on a more personal level, my estimation of the best result of leadership training is when a young person can lead him or herself to a better life by simply taking charge of their life, envisioning the future, and putting in the efforts to make that future a reality.

It is true that we need strong leaders in the world. But before that, we need people that can think for themselves, communicate with others, care about the people and the world around them. We need to be leaders of our own lives. If we can successfully lead ourselves to our own goals, then naturally, we will be able to help and encourage others on their own journeys to their own goals. Sometimes our goals overlap, and when this happens, synergy!

What's the best recipe for leadership success:  simply working hard and training hard, and helping those around you!  And like any good CrossPIT workout…repeat, repeat and repeat!
-Sigung Kelly Corder

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Kajukenbo Motto: Train Strong to Remain Strong

Kajukenbo Arizona is a traditional martial arts school specializing in real self-defense through the art of Kajukenbo. Kajukenbo was founded in 1947 and is credited as being the first American martial art. Kajukenbo is a blend of five styles: Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kenpo and Kung Fu. Feel free to visit our school and see our programs for all ages! We also offer CrossPIT classes based on the world-famous Pit Conditioning System. Classes are 30-minutes of high-intensity old-school cardio. CrossPIT memberships available!