Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Some Simple Truths of Martial Arts
What a great weekend for Kaju AZ! Our school was well-represented at the BJJ and KSDI tournaments and it is so awesome to see the hard work and pride that each competitor demonstrated.
I have always loved karate. Growing up in Arizona, every Saturday morning was the “Channel 5 Action Movie” and I loved watching the Bruce Lee movies and good old-fashioned fight scenes in westerns. Then, I just loved the hitting and action. Now, as a martial artist, mother and Simou, I can appreciate all that martial arts can offer. And I have learned some “simple truths” about it as well.
Martial Arts is More Than Hitting. I am amazed at the mental and social development that I see each and every day. Nothing makes me happier than a child who develops and improves by shaking hands to adults and fellow students. I love seeing the confidence grow in a painfully shy young student. It is great to hear how a student stood up to a potential bully or an improvement in scholastic ability or school behavior. Seeing our students demonstrate respect, courtesy and good sportsmanship at tournaments creates a warm and fuzzy feeling. And it’s contagious! TRUTH: The social, mental and spiritual development is a bonus.
Martial Arts is More Than Mental Strength. In summary: It’s Karate, not knitting. At the Vegas event, I witnessed a green belt sparring match. One competitor got hit in the face (face contact is allowed). He balled up into the fetal position, sobbing and held up the match for almost 10 minutes. There was no blood that I could see, no protruding bones, not even a red mark. What was most disturbing to me was the thought that this green belt would possibly react this way, on the street in a self-defense situation. We say it over and over again but it is true: the way you train is the way you fight. I appreciate all the hits I have taken over the years. TRUTH: Be prepared to take a hit, take it well, get up and keep fighting.
Martial Arts is a Way of Life. One thing I have learned: The posers always surface. I used to train with someone who always said “Fake it until you make it.” She did not make it. I have seen fakers that make it up the ladder, but are they good people? NO and they eventually leave under false pretenses anyway. Students will come and go (even the higher belts), but the principles and skills taught at Kaju AZ will NEVER change. It’s what makes those of us who maintain the standards of our instructors and Kaju ancestors better in all ways. That doesn’t only apply to the students of Kaju AZ…we see it every day with our supporting Ohana. All the parents that bring their children, wash their uniforms, bring the potluck dishes, and are always patting us on the back – it’s all part of the Ohana way of life. For those parents or students who are struggling - have faith and stick with it as it is worth it. TRUTH: We are in this together – thank heavens!
Martial Arts Requires Giving More than Taking. There is no possible way for me to ever repay all that I have received from my instructor, his instructors, mentors and inspirational guides not to even mention and all the countless hours that go into each and every event, email, telephone call and class. This is not overwhelming to me because I know that as I attempt to give back to those around me – my family, my students, my community – that I am making a big difference in little ways. Most people don’t see that when they take their first karate class, you just learn it as you go. Think about the impact our little school would have on Mesa, Arizona, the US and the World, if we all gave more than we took. TRUTH: Giving feels great and makes us better people.
To be honest, I wanted my kids to do martial arts because I thought it would be cool. And it is. I can’t help but feel proud of their accomplishments and those of each and every student. But the bigger picture was more than I could have ever dreamed for my family. As the body, mind and spirit become one, our Ohana is stronger and life is just plain better.
Simou Jennifer Corder
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Good Luck, Christie Gallo!

Christie has been training with Kaju AZ for over two years and has worked hard to attain the rank of Red Belt. Her last test was especially inspirational as she was battling the flu throughout the entire pre-test and test. She never quit or complained and showed a true Black Belt Attitude. She has also recently learned the katana from Sibak Nic and will continue training during school breaks and holidays trips home as her goal is black belt. We all know she has all the Desire, Dedication and Discipline to do it!
Christie is always smiling, energetic and a pleasure to train with and we are excited for her new adventure. The Academy will definitely benefit from her skills and willingness to give back. She doesn’t just say it – she does it! We will miss her no-quit attitude and Kajukenbo spirit, but know she will always be a part of our Ohana.
Good luck, Christie and thanks for all the high kicks, hard hits, and great memories!
(For any of you that want to keep in touch with Christie, see Simou for her new address.)
Team Hicks Breaks Records at Mt. Kili!

At 1:00 am AZ time, June 29th, 2009 Team Hicks made it to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro and broke two world records -- the largest group of blind climbers as well as the the youngest blind climber (13 years old) to accomplish this amazing feat.
Sibak Tom arrived home on July 2nd and shared these comments with Professor and Aunty Lim:
"Our Ohana's presence at the airport send off and homecoming inspired our entire team. ... I love our Ohana so much. Many times in the past couple of weeks I was inspired by thoughts of each of you. I felt you on the mountain. I never thought of quitting or giving up and I always felt protected by your prayers and positive energy... On Kilimanjaro Team Hicks never lost focus, never fell apart, and we were the first to touch the 19,340 feet summit sign! As we made our way toward the summit all I thought of was all our Ohana praying for us. I never got a blister. I was the only blind climber to not hold on to my guides. I ascended and descended the same way. I wanted to trek independently, using my trekking poles, make my way up God's mountain! He allowed me this gift. I am so proud and am still just enjoying the memories on the great Kilimanjaro! Kili did not devour my soul. We respected her completely and faced our fears with humility every day. I feel changed forever for the incredible experience! ...
Very Respectfully,
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Kajukenbo Motto: Train Strong to Remain Strong
Kajukenbo Arizona is a traditional martial arts school specializing in real self-defense through the art of Kajukenbo. Kajukenbo was founded in 1947 and is credited as being the first American martial art. Kajukenbo is a blend of five styles: Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kenpo and Kung Fu. Feel free to visit our school and see our programs for all ages! We also offer CrossPIT classes based on the world-famous Pit Conditioning System. Classes are 30-minutes of high-intensity old-school cardio. CrossPIT memberships available!