Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Ripple Effect of Service Can Be Felt Now and Later

Sifu and Mr. Nic left this morning for Philmont scout ranch. It’s a great, often life-changing experience offered through the Boy Scouts of America, a fantastic organization. They will be hiking about 125 miles over 10 days. On some days, they change elevation in a range of 5,000 feet. They will get rain, heat, follow the strict rules of no-impact hiking, eat a lot of crackers and cheese (these items don't weigh much) and live within a bear triangle every night.

This will be the fourth time that Sifu has made this trip since 1999. The hardest part is that he is totally cut off – no phones or email – and away from his businesses and family. The leaders pay their own way and usually miss at least two weeks of work. Sifu is thrilled that he can finally take his son on this trip which often turns teenagers into men as they leave the world behind and get back to basic survival and beauty of the outdoors.

Sifu and I are often asked “Why they heck would do you do this? Why do you spend the money? How can you sacrifice your work and family time?” The answer is simple: performing a service to others has huge payoffs, both immediate and in the future. I am reminded of a title of a book I read recently (and highly recommend): “It’s Better to Build Boys Than Mend Men," and this this one of the real benefits that services to others has to offer our community.

Service to others is so important and so often ignored as we focus on ourselves and our own problems in our daily lives. Sometimes it is so hard to think about someone else and their needs when ours seem so overwhelming. This is precisely the time that we must remember to help someone else! Nothing gives us better perspective, understanding and focus than service to others.

I am not saying that one must desert your family and head to the mountains of New Mexico! Little things have big payouts too! A helping hand pulling weeds, a meal for a busy family, an hour of babysitting…these are simple things that that mean a lot to others. We receive the added benefit of feeling good about doing something good.

Kaju AZ would not be the awesome dojo that it is today without the helping hands of many people! The initial build-out, the ongoing remodeling, rides to and from the dojo, teaching in class, picking up meals, polishing the floors, our self-defense clinics and simply introducing your friends and families to Kaju AZ are all examples of service. Know that all your efforts are so appreciated and more importantly, will continue to have an impact many years into the future.

Sifu and I are driven by the positive impact that martial arts has on people. We have the benefit of seeing it in our children who have been training for many many years. We know that each of you will see the same impact on your children and yourselves in the future!

We have such an example in our dojo…Mr. David Booth, better known as Sifu’s right hand man at Redrock Software, Amber’s hubby and Alex and Ryan’s dad. David was on one of the first Philmont trips that Sifu went on. He was a typical teenage boy obsessed with himself and all things that boys like! The service of leaders on his behalf helped make him into the outstanding father, husband, employee, and citizen that he is today. And he definitely pays it forward.

The dojo is closed Thursday, July 24th – August 1st for the remodeling project. We encourage each of you, individually or as a family, to perform a little service over the break. We would love to hear about your efforts and how great it made you feel.

Thank you for your continued service and support of Kaju AZ. Our Ohana is strong and we look forward to many years together!

Simou Jen


Anonymous said...

Certainly, Sifu's presence will be missed, however knowing how important this trip is does make the absence bearable!

I know David and can say that he really is a neat man and it's hard to see him any other way than what you have described.

Thank you for sharing this with us!

ezeejay said...

Good Luck to Sifu Kelly and Mr.Nick on their journey!!

Janalee said...

I love these posts, keep them coming! And I want to read that book now too, do you have it? Or I can look it up at the library.

Kajukenbo Motto: Train Strong to Remain Strong

Kajukenbo Arizona is a traditional martial arts school specializing in real self-defense through the art of Kajukenbo. Kajukenbo was founded in 1947 and is credited as being the first American martial art. Kajukenbo is a blend of five styles: Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kenpo and Kung Fu. Feel free to visit our school and see our programs for all ages! We also offer CrossPIT classes based on the world-famous Pit Conditioning System. Classes are 30-minutes of high-intensity old-school cardio. CrossPIT memberships available!