Sifu has called several times during his breaks at the Pit this weekend. He is always excited to tell me everything he has accomplished and learned, and especially grateful for the short break. He is having a blast learning new drills, nutrition info and pushing his body to the limits. He is energized and very excited to bring it all back to our Kaju AZ students.

One thing is for sure: Sifu loves The Pit! His time away from the dojo (and family and work) is hard for him but his sacrifices make Kaju AZ that much better! Watch for more updates from the Pit at http://www.thepit.tv.
Have a great week! Sifu and I look forward to sharing the details of our trip to visit Sijo, the Lua seminar and more next week!
Simou Jen
love all the neat pictures, and uplifting informative posts. Just want you to know I'm reading!
It is always exciting to see what Sifu will bring back to KajuAz. I look forward to the challenges he presents us with the new or "modified" material!
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