Master Motivator Zig Ziglar says: “I don’t care how much power, brilliance, or energy you have, if you don’t harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there, you’re never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants.”
Nothing feels better than a great Kaju AZ workout! Coming to class prepared to workout - ready to learn, listen, and sweat – these are just the beginning. There are a lot of things you can do OUTside of the dojo to ensure you will have a great workout Inside the dojo.
First things first: plan ahead. The class schedule RARELY changes. Leave your house with adequate time to arrive 10-15 minutes early. Have your uniform ready and your equipment packed. Don’t waste time on being rushed, walking through the door 5 minutes after class starts and scrambling for your belt. These all provide distractions that diminish your focus in class.
Second, remember that balance is key! Get your two workouts a week in – it really helps! While personal, work and school schedules can change, make your training a priority. Missing a class a week impedes your retention. It is so refreshing to be able to master basic material in class instead of reacquainting ourselves because we missed class. If your schedule is temporarily screwed up, talk to me or Sifu about coming in during other times to make up class time. We are here for your success!
Third – and perhaps MOST IMPORTANT - practice really does make perfect! Martial artists often practice more in the beginning of their training and then begin slacking off as they learn more material. Simply reviewing your material every day…from start to finish…can make a huge difference. Develop a routine that incorporates your material into a living room cardio workout! Shadow boxing rounds is a great way to practice all your “A” day material. Partners are not required to practice your self-defense! Doing your “B” day material in the air and with visualization can make you stronger without much effort. I know time is tight in our busy lives, but you have made a martial arts commitment and you owe it to yourself to make the most of it!
For my other job, I used to travel 15-18 times a year for 5-6 days at a time. It was hard to miss so much dojo time! But I made the most of it - I simply packed my jump rope, resistance bands and my material notebook and made it a habit to practice every travel day in my hotel room! I still do this at home! Many of you may think being the Sigung provides much practice time – I need extra review time too! Sifu often runs through tournament techniques while sitting at red lights or waiting for the kids. And neither of us go very far without a printout or digital copy of our material! Being stuck in a doctor’s office is a great place to read through your notes!
Some days you may have a chunk of time to review all your material from start to finish – take advantage of that! But don’t get lazy if you don’t have a 30-minute block. Start looking for those few minutes here and there – you can do a kicking set or two while waiting for your microwave popcorn to finish! You can recite your student creeds while folding towels. Try doing your kata work in the pool! There are plenty of creative ways to get your practice in – and I guarantee it will make a BIG difference in your confidence, performance and satisfaction of your Kaju AZ workouts!
It is a pleasure to have each of you in class. Kaju Az is awesome and thank you for all your support!
Sigung Kelly Corder
Train Strong to Remain Strong