The first event was the “Tough Mudder.” One might think that is a perfect way to describe our students…and that is correct. The Tough Mudder event was unique and exciting and showed a simple truth we teach and exemplify at Kaju AZ: Teamwork.
We hear about teamwork all the time. The media spouts it, politicians, religious leaders, co-workers, etc. But sometimes it is simply all talk and no action. At Kaju AZ we practice teamwork daily in our classes and Ohana events as well as acts of service inside and outside the dojo.

The Tough Mudder showed an extraordinary effort on Team Almost There’s members: Sigung Kelly, Coach Jon, Andy, Omar, Tony, Joe, Amy, Jessica and Cindy. Watching them perform what appeared to be sometimes insurmountable obstacles was amazing…and they did it was a team. If team members arrived early to an obstacle, he or she waited until everyone was present to complete it. If a team member needed help, he or she got it. The huge “over the wall obstacles” showcased this even more. It was inspirational.
The other event was Sibak Nicolas’ marathon race. This event showed simply how the skills learned through martial arts training can help you in all aspects of your life. Not just physical skills – leadership, desire, dedication, discipline and more. Sibak has been training in martial arts virtually his entire life. About six months ago, he set a goal to run a full marathon. He researched and began training. He never quit or gave up and worked daily to prepare. When he was told he was too young to participate, he took action and wrote a letter explaining why he wanted to do this. He was granted permission. He continued to train despite an injury and a couple of illnesses. And by achieving this goal, he knows there is nothing in life he cannot do. In my opinion, that is a powerful life lesson for a 17-year old to realize and exciting to know that this is just the beginning of his adulthood.

Who knows what lies ahead for Team Almost There or Sibak Nicolas or any of us? Through our martial arts training, it is obvious we are better individuals and team members. It’s a pleasure to watch each person grow and reach his or her goals. Just a silver lining of our training, and a daily inspiration for each of us to see.
Sifu Jennifer Corder